Why "Image Bearers"?

I wish I could remember now the exact inspiration, but I do know that it stems from the erosion of value for humanity. We view people either in terms of what they can do for society or what we can get from them. 

This is wrong.

Through my photography, I want to capture and communicate a value for life. My website is genesisone26, which says, "Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, in our likeness...' ". Every single human being is made in the image of God. I like how the Bible study, True Woman 101, puts it, "Being created in God's image includes the ability to think and make moral choices. It means that we share in God's nature. Humans have personality, they have the capacity for creativity, truth, wisdom, love, holiness, and justice." They also say, "Being created in His image gives us enormous dignity, privilege, and responsibility." 

I want to return dignity to people. A picture is worth a thousand words and pictures can be powerful. I want my pictures to celebrate life and humanity, according to God's design. 

(Also, I love taking pictures of God's beautiful creation as well as random things.) 


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